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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is breast cancer awareness month. Breast Cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women and the second most common type of cancer in the world as it affects both men and women. It’s an illness that has impacted the life of so many women either through receiving the diagnosis to supporting someone battling the illness and in some cases losing a loved one to the illness. 

 There are many causes for breast cancer such as; 

  • Age 
  • Family history of breast cancer 
  • Previous breast cancer diagnosis 
  • Previous benign breast lump  
  • The consumption of alcohol.  


It is important to perform regular self-examinations on your breasts which is really simple to do! You need to know how your breast usually look and feel because this will enable you to spot any changes and inform your GP of them as soon as possible. Changes in your breasts could happen for many different reasons. Many women do get breast lumps but 9 out of 10 are not cancerous lumps. Do not be afraid to go to your GP. 

How to perform a breast examination 


Step 1: Start by looking for differences between your breasts 

A good breast exam involves spotting changes in both the look and feel of your breasts. When you perform an exam look out for any changes in the shape, colour or texture of your breasts/nipples. If you do please contact your GP.  

Step 2: Put your hands on your hips, pull your elbows forward 

This will help you see and feel lumps much easier. It will also enable you to see your breasts from different angles. 

Step 3: Use 3 fingers when examining your breasts 

use them to press down around the breast and surrounding area using circular motions. Using three fingers, rather than just one, keeps you from mistaking normal breast tissue for lumps. 

Step 4: Examine the areas surrounding the breast 

Continue to use circular motions and increasing pressure as you move from the collarbone to the sternum and down below the breast. From the lower part of the breast, travel up to the area under your arm to look for any swelling in the lymph nodes. 

Step 5: Perform the test at the same time each month 

Make sure you do this the same time every month. If you are still menstruating, it’s recommended to do it seven to 10 days after your menstrual cycle, since at that time there will likely be fewer cycle-related changes in the breast tissue. Women who are postmenopausal can do the exam at any time of the month, as long it is around the same time each month. 

One form of treatment for breast cancer and many other types of cancer is chemotherapy. This involves destroying cancer cells that have remained in the body. Hair loss is a very common side effects of chemotherapy. Women are offered synthetic wig options through the NHS which cost £74.15, but here at La Bello Beauty we offer a wide range of synthetic wigs from as little as £25. If your budget doesn’t want to stretch as far as £74.15 for just one wig, you could buy a couple for the same amount. 

You could grab: 

Iskaba + Berry Boujee 

Pana + Wo 

Multiple Iskaba’s in different colours 

Our heart goes out to all those currently being those diagnosed with breast cancer and their loved ones. Remember to get tested regularly, early detection could save your life!  










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